Category: Place

  • Garden of Eden

    Garden of Eden

    Eden means “pleasure, delight”. God planted a garden east in Eden including every tree pleasing to sight and good for food. God also planted two particular trees in the garden: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. A river went out of Eden to water the Garden and…

  • Ur


    Ur was an ancient city located on the Euphrates River in the current southeastern region of Iraq inland near the Persian Gulf. Abram and Sarai, Terah (Abram’s father), Nahor and Haran (Abram’s brothers), Lot (Abram’s nephew) and their households lived in Ur of the Chaldeans during the early Middle Bronze Age (approx. 2,000 BC). Abram’s…

  • Land of Canaan

    Land of Canaan

    The Promised Land, The Land promised to Abraham and his descendants forever. Canaan is often described as “a land flowing with milk and honey”, a description emphasizing the productive and abundant qualities of the land. Prior to near complete conquest by the Israelites under King David (approx. 1000 BC), the land was occupied by many…