Joshua was of the tribe of Ephraim, a descendant of Jacob’s son Joseph (who had two sons: Ephraim and Manasseh). Joshua was among the 12 spies sent into Canaan to spy out the Land before the Israelites entered. Though Israel rebelled, Joshua was one of the two faithful spies who encouraged the nation to enter…
Saul means “asked for.” Despite historically being led by God through human leaders and judges, the tribes of Israel “asked for” for a king to be the other nations around. God then commanded the judge Samuel to anoint Saul as the first king over Israel. Saul’s early days as king demonstrated God’s desire that Saul…
David may mean “beloved.” David was in the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah. Living in Bethlehem within the territory of Judah, Jesse’s youngest son, David, was described as “ruddy, bright eyed, and good-looking” in appearance. Having proclaimed that that the kingdom of Israel would be torn from King Saul, God saw young David’s…
Solomon may mean “restoration” or “peace.” The prophet Nathan called Solomon, Jedidiah meaning “beloved of Yahweh”. Solomon was born in Jerusalem, the eighth son of King David and second son of Bathsheba. Overcoming contention, Solomon succeeded David as king over all Israel and Judah, and he ascended the throne by decree of King David. David…
Isaac means “he laughs.” Isaac was named by God, and he was the son of promise miraculously born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age. Isaac grew up in Mamre or Hebron and was a joy to his parents. When he was a youth, Abraham nearly sacrificed him in obedience to God, before God…
Jacob means “heel-catcher” or “supplanter,” because at delivery, he clutched the heel of his twin brother Esau in an apparent attempt to be the firstborn. Jacob’s name is changed to Israel by God. Israel means “struggles with God” or “God strives”. Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebekah, and he was a grandson of…
Rebekah probably means “capturing (by beauty)”. In pursuit of a wife for his son Isaac, Abraham sent his trusted servant to the area where Abraham’s family lived outside of Canaan. The faithful servant prayed in his heart to God for direction in finding the wife for Isaac, and he soon encountered the beautiful Rebekah at…
Ishmael means “wild man”. Ishmael is the first born son of Abram/Abraham through Hagar (Sarai’s/Sarah’s maid-servant). Ishmael was not the son of promise to Abram, and God’s covenant would not be fulfilled through Ishmael’s line. God proclaimed that Ishmael would be a hostile man, a source and recipient of conflict. As friction grew within their…
Hebrew name “Hadassah” meaning “bride”. Persian name “Esther” meaning unknown. This may be a play-on-words with the Hebrew “astir” meaning “I will hide”. God is verbally hidden/absent from the whole story of Esther recorded in the Bible. Esther was of the tribe of Benjamin among the exiles of Judah who had been spread among the…
Aaron was the older brother of Moses. Aaron was in the lineage of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Levi. He was recognized by God to be articulate, and God called Aaron to be the public voice and assistant to Moses. Aaron served during Moses’ confrontations with the Egyptian Pharaoh. After the Exodus, Aaron became the temporary…